This should clear things up a bit. Please don't fall into the trap of arguing about the 'road to bestiality', homophobia or bigotry. The argument against gay marriage can be summed up on the definition of the word as the Bible gives it to us. All marriages are basically civil unions anyway. It's just that practicing Christians believe the man-woman union counts for something more, hence the word 'marriage'.
Definition of marriage Marriage is a religious thing set apart from other unions and legal
agreements by God. The word marriage means to join two people to become
one flesh and to mirror the symbolism in the monogamous relationship
between CHRIST and HIS CHURCH. Christ is the male and his church is the
female. This is God’s gift to mankind… the idea of a human union representing
what will be in heaven- a spiritual joining of man and God forever.
The male-female union is spelled out in the Bible, namely Song of
Solomon and this is the reason two men ‘joining’ is an abomination; not
because two guys living together and promising to care for each other is somehow unholy, but because this doesn’t
mirror the sanctioned relationship between the male (Christ) and the female
(the Church). Not only is a gay marriage *not* sanctioned by the bible, it is
forbidden. But go ahead, get civil unions, have sex, live happy, adopt,
have wills, visit in the hospital etc. But please, don’t use the word
‘marriage’ because that is a holy word reserved for those who believe
the teachings of the Bible which forbid male-male ‘marriages’.
Why is male-female sanctioned? Marriage is about the relationship between Christ and the Church. IE: Male and Female. To claim this represents other terms is to besmirch God's plan. In heaven God isn't going to throw away mankind and live with another deity nor allow man to have eternity with only other humans apart from God. To join together anything other than a man and a woman would symbolize this 'abomination' of God throwing away his creation, or us having other gods (ourselves) before Him.
Be civil
When gay rights activists want to use the Church and have a priest marry them, call it marriage, etc. it is stealing from Christians' beliefs and taking away the holiness of the heterosexual union. That's where the "attack on marriage" argument fits in. Personally, I don't care what your semantics are. I have good friends that are 'married' ladies with kids and gay couples that are very committed, etc. They call it 'married' but I say hey, let's look at the doctrine behind it and they are dumbfounded. From a doctrinal standpoint they are forever 'civil' and I am 'married'. If Christians want to meet the argument halfway let's just all say that when ANY two people get together they enter first only into a civil union. And then, if the two believe the teachings of the Bible of man/woman = Christ/Church and promise to live by God's laws they can "believe" that their civil union is "blessed by God" and call it "marriage". In other words, it would be impossible for two men to agree to that, so they would remain a 'civil union'.
There are no easy answers that make everyone happy. But let's stop clouding the issue with arguments that don't break the problem down to it's basic roots as described above.
We've become familiar with the infamous Death Panels, where public single payer health care has to rely on cutting costs to keep things balanced. The state can deny you a necessary treatment due to their arbitrary assessment. You can't argue with it because they run the show, not you. It's not this way in the U.S. yet but if we don't repeal and replace Obamacare we ALL will be suffering at some time or another.
I'm here to tell you first hand about Canadacare's Pain Panel.
A little background info for you: In Obamacare there is a list of all available medical procedures, from hip replacements, pacemakers, cancer treatments to preventative care. Picture this list of several hundred procedures listed in cost with the most expensive at the top. There is a magic line cutting off the top few procedures for 40 year olds. For 45 year olds the line drops lower, limiting the procedures available to you. The line drops for each age group and significantly drops when you are over 65, just when you need it the most. And when you are 83... forget it. This is what is known as a Death Panel. It is some arbitrary line limiting your benefits from State run Healthcare. It is real. It exists in Obamacare and it exists in Canadacare. The only way to balance the costs is to cut services when most people need it. Obama said it himself that it is better to give dear ol' grandma a pain pill rather than a life saving procedure- despite her tenacity, personal drive and non-government approved joie de vivre in order to save costs for the "rest of us". (I won't get into Obama already taking half a trillion from Medicare to pay for solar panel research...)
On to my story: Now in Canada for a few weeks, and after moving some heavy furniture I have had the pleasure of my back going out which resulted in a chiropractor visit and a couple of back therapy massages. I am pleased to announce that my back is now 100% after a short time. However, this trauma triggered SHINGLES in me, an otherwise healthy 41 yr old whose joie de vivre can not be doubted. At the time I thought it was only a rash due to an ibuprofen allergy but as the pain worsened I sought out a doctor. It turns out I have shingles and have had them only a few days. Painful buggers tingling on my shoulder and chestlike I was cuddling up at night with a lovely cactus.
There is a wonderful treatment for this virus; an antiviral that would slow the spread and halt the viral activity if given within 72 hours of onset. I have had the painful shingles for just under that long so the antiviral could help slow and reverse it. However, in Canadacare there is just one loophole between me receiving the pain relieving medication that the doctor chose to exploit. I am an American and the vaccine is only for Canadians. That's it. I am now under the heavy iron hand of a Pain Panel as I sit in Canada, letting this virus run unchecked through it's terrible course. Of course he gave me a nerve medication to lessen the pain and a Percoset prescription to ease my troubles but the viral limiting Vaccine that would stop the virus from running unchecked through its course? Nope. It's for Canadians only. "You see," he explained, "we only get so much of the vaccine from Europe and we are only authorized to dole it out to Canadians." "Even if you are paying cash."
Don't let Obamacare become fully implemented into law. Repeal it. Vote GOP on every local and state election. You WILL suffer in one way or another if it stands.