Let's say there's a war. Let's say you are the Commander of the war. Let's say you are the leader of the free world and one of the most important people on the planet. Wouldn't you think that you, as leader, would be in communication with your troops in battle? Wouldn't you get on the horn and talk to them to see how things are going?
GWB spoke to the commanders on the ground in Iraq on a weekly or daily basis. THAT is what a Commander in Chief does.
Obama has now spoken with the commanders and generals a grand total of ONCE, and it's now October. That means since the immaculate inauguration back in January Obama has twiddled his thumbs in regards to actually LEADING this country's war effort.
Oh, he does other stuff too, like going on Letterman, Leno and the popular talk circuits to chum up the late night tv viewers. He also goes to committee meetings to push for Olympics in Chicago when Chicago doesn't even want them. He has gotten on the soap box for Obamacare almost 200 times... but does he pick up the phone and call General Stanley A. McChrystal? Nope.
Do you think this is how a Commander in Chief should act?
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