In response to North Korean missle launches and reported atomic detonations:
(please exuse the MSPaint. It's all I have on me at the time)
For Obama voters: The 'change' = pocket change. Pocket change makes clinky noises when rattled. "Saber rattling" is a term used when countries flex their newly founded muscles (read- nukes). Obama doesn't get 'rattled' when countries join the big boys club because Obama thinks we should hand over our nukes anyway and just sit down for a game of Jang-jak or two.
Seriously? Cheerios? It's not like some new fangled cereal came out and stated that eating a bowl a day for one fortnight would make your penis grow larger. This is Cheerios! A staple for American breakfast tables since 1941 this cereal is made of wholesome oats and is good for you. Yet, Obama's FDA has issued General Mills a dire warning that they are pedaling a drug and need to seek FDA approval for their claim of lowering cholesterol, a claim that the packaging has had for over two years based on clinical trials and previous FDA approval.
General Mills told Obama to stick it where the sun don't shine.
Therefore the Obama administration has taken new steps to thwart the opposition... (please excuse the crude, simple, yet poignant cartoon- it's my first) M
Simply stated, Nancy is out to strike a political agenda because she feels the time is right. There is no other reason she could be doing this. However, it is backfiring in her smug face because the Dems don't want to go down with her ship. Will there be enough backlash to get her removed? Stay tuned!
For Obama voters: Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, claims she did not know about torture techniques used against GITMO detainees. Although it was her job to know, her silence during the Bush administration suggests compliance. She said it wasn't her job to complain against techniques or to read briefings but rather to try to get a new liberal president in the white house. Hey! Did you hear that? She is actually quoted as saying that it wasn't her job to read briefings but rather it was her job to pull a political adgenda and try to get a different president into office and undermine the president in office. Hmmm. New respect for Newt, huh?
Now, after the fact, she claims not only that she didn't know about the techniques, but that the CIA lied and misled both her and congress- a claim that congress and the CIA deny.
In all the cases of detainees in Gitmo: In all the terrorists that have darkened a cell there: In all the far reaching US intelligence fingers that have felt their way across the globe since 9/11: There were only THREE people that the US deemed ok to waterboard. Here's how it works:
1. Does the person have pertinent information regarding a future terrorist attack and choose to withhold that information?
2. Is the attack eminent?
3. Will the information gained from torture stop the attack?
4. Waterboard the person just like you were trained to do. (Training includes being waterboarded yourself.)
Khalid Sheik Mohammed's waterboarding led to the capture of Abu Zubaydah. Khalid and Abu thought the TV shows like Miami Vice were the way things worked (in the Bush world) and said things like "Heh! Soon you will know. It will be much worse than 9/11." This was their downfall. They thought that like Ricardo Tubbs and Sonny Crockett, all the US could do was say "Shucks. Our hands are tied." or like the Cannonball Run cops, jurisdiction only went so far. They thought they could be smug.
KSM and Abu were subsequently waterboarded and the information gained from them stopped the "second wave" of terrorist attacks that were planned for Los Angeles. The organizational structure of al Quaida, their modus operandi and key operatives were obtained. Planes were aimed at buildings just like in NYC and waterboarding led to info that stopped it. KSM and Abu were shocked to find that Sonny and Tubbs were more like Jack Bauer and Tony Almeida.
Obama wants to stop the techniques for the simple reason that he wants the rest of the world to love him and vicariously love the American people through his godly mellifluousness.
Here is my mantra, based a bit on the Lord of the Flies:
There has to be a big kid on the block. That kid has to have the biggest stick to beat up the other bad kids who threaten to blow up / shoot / destroy / burn / kill the good kids on the street. This, by the sheer nature of the relationship promotes the ideals of the kid with the big stick. Sometimes the big kid uses the stick and sometimes he just holds it up in a threatening manner. Either way, the bad kids back down, hand over their weapons and the street is safer.
All countries that have succeded have used this big kid/big stick mantra to succeed. Bush had a big stick and he used it. America succeeded. Obama is apologizing for Bush and breaking the stick over his knee. It is only a matter of time till he hands the pieces to the next biggest kids.
Any idiot can see that it worked. Any liberal that still clings to the hope that other countries will love us based on our "giving up of waterboarding" will watch as the other kids on the block quickly reach for their sticks and wait patiently for a moment to strike. If you don't believe me, just go for a drive in LA and count the buildings. M