Definition of marriage
Marriage is a religious thing set apart from other unions and legal agreements by God. The word marriage means to join two people to become one flesh and to mirror the symbolism in the monogamous relationship between CHRIST and HIS CHURCH. Christ is the male and his church is the female. This is God’s gift to mankind… the idea of a human union representing what will be in heaven- a spiritual joining of man and God forever.
The male-female union is spelled out in the Bible, namely Song of Solomon and this is the reason two men ‘joining’ is an abomination; not because two guys living together and promising to care for each other is somehow unholy, but because this doesn’t mirror the sanctioned relationship between the male (Christ) and the female (the Church). Not only is a gay marriage *not* sanctioned by the bible, it is forbidden. But go ahead, get civil unions, have sex, live happy, adopt, have wills, visit in the hospital etc. But please, don’t use the word ‘marriage’ because that is a holy word reserved for those who believe the teachings of the Bible which forbid male-male ‘marriages’.
Marriage is about the relationship between Christ and the Church. IE: Male and Female. To claim this represents other terms is to besmirch God's plan. In heaven God isn't going to throw away mankind and live with another deity nor allow man to have eternity with only other humans apart from God. To join together anything other than a man and a woman would symbolize this 'abomination' of God throwing away his creation, or us having other gods (ourselves) before Him.
Be civil
When gay rights activists want to use the Church and have a priest marry them, call it marriage, etc. it is stealing from Christians' beliefs and taking away the holiness of the heterosexual union. That's where the "attack on marriage" argument fits in. Personally, I don't care what your semantics are. I have good friends that are 'married' ladies with kids and gay couples that are very committed, etc. They call it 'married' but I say hey, let's look at the doctrine behind it and they are dumbfounded. From a doctrinal standpoint they are forever 'civil' and I am 'married'. If Christians want to meet the argument halfway let's just all say that when ANY two people get together they enter first only into a civil union. And then, if the two believe the teachings of the Bible of man/woman = Christ/Church and promise to live by God's laws they can "believe" that their civil union is "blessed by God" and call it "marriage". In other words, it would be impossible for two men to agree to that, so they would remain a 'civil union'. There are no easy answers that make everyone happy. But let's stop clouding the issue with arguments that don't break the problem down to it's basic roots as described above.
Mastadon Army