Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Earth day = religious experience for the left

A liberal friend of mine invited me (on facebook) to join her in observing Earth Hour. the observation consists of turning your lights and computers off for one hour on March 27, 2010, at 8pm in your time zone. This is to help raise awareness of how much electricity we as greedy Western Capitalists consume.  Now I'm all for "green" tech and feel it has it's place in the free market, but the idea of earth hour tries to tie activism to everyone on a personal level.

While I instantly dismissed the idea of turning off my lights for an hour as pure poppycock, I pictured my well intentioned friend going around her apartment and flipping the switches, which I'm sure she did. Then, all proud of herself she probably sat there silently in the dark. No doubt she glanced disapprovingly at her neighbors' lights still burning and returned to her favorite chair and sat there for the remainder of the hour, smug, but bored to death.

It must have been a religious experience for her:  like a moment of silence for all those trees used for our electricity generating coal plants or like a bible study hour but instead of cracking open the bible you repeat activist mantras. Then it occurred to me, this IS the liberals religion. Activism is their driving force and hair-brained causes, no matter how trivial, are the fodder.

I sigh with regret that more and more people are being sucked in by silly causes and would hope that when Earth Day arrives (April 22, 2010) that you see it for what it really is-  something that tries to reach people on a spiritual level rather than an intellectual one. Which, I must say is the only way the Left captures and maintains the masses.    

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