Tuesday, April 27, 2010

You have 9 days till your subscription runs out...

Hidden in my junk email was a message that read "Your New York Times subscription ends in 9 days". I didn't click the link which probably was for Viagra anyway. The thing is, I don't have a Times subscription- never have. NEVER WILL!

I get my news from other sources.

The Left are floundering at their loss of control of the media. "Don't read headlines on Drudge!" "Don't listen to talk radio!" and "Report right wing anti-government extremists to the White House!" are headlines in the news these days. The Left are so scared as they watch their control of media crumble like the plastic pillars of Obama's great immaculation.

In totalitarian regimes the government tries to control the people by controlling the media and the education system. In China, my American friends 'finally' broke through the iron curtain and have access to simple things like email and facebook- but it took them several attempts and they are probably using 'illegal' programs to do so. In Iran the government permanently blocked Gmail service to keep the subjects from freely communicating. They now have a government monitored email service that will keep dissenters from being heard.

'Net Neutrality' is one way the Left want to justify blocking servers that carry dissenting voices by claiming they know what 'fair' is. They are far from achieving this goal and I doubt the First Amendment could ever be stretched so thin.

Don't pay for news that doesn't support your world view. Pay for news that does. I subscribe to Rush 24/7, The Heritage Foundation and donate to various campaigns of conservative candidates/movements. How many people signed up for left-winged Newsday in their "pay subscription" experiment? Answer: 35. How many people pay 25$ for a yearly subscription to www.Heritage.org? Answer: More and more each day. And that's the best news of all.

We are making progress. Leftist rag newspapers are on the way out. Twitter and social networking sites are on the rise. Pay for the good stuff. Tweet till your fingers go numb. And the next time you get a solicited for the New York Times tell them you'd rather have some discount Viagra instead.

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